Hi! My name is Cookie. I am the smartest and prettiest Pearl Cockatiel in the world. Like all Australian Parrots, I love to sing and talk and I especially love to host parties. Last Thursday I had the biggest and best Party you've ever seen.
Before we continue I have a little secret to tell you... and a warning. There is on these premises a malicious murderous mendacious felon. A creature so dangerous that I must give you dire warning. Just because they call her "Fuzzy" doesn't mean she wouldn't attack any of us in a second. So be careful and be wary. I am.
See!! Here she is just waiting to pounce. I know. You just think she's cute. But I tell you she's dangerous.
This is Hallie. She is the best and most wonderful servant in the world. Since I got her a few months ago she has done everything to serve my every need and desire. Here she is preparing for my wonderful Thanksgiving dinner party. Isn't she great.
This is Ashley and her friend Ryan. Ashley is also my servant. She takes care of me when ever Hallie is away. Don't they make a cute couple. The only trouble is they are paying attention to each other when they should be paying attention to me!!
Did you know I can whistle the "Bridge Over the River Kwai"?
This is Nanna Pat. Sometimes I visit her at her house. She has the most wonderful picture frame that I just love to sharpen my beak on. She also has lots of little freckles on her arms that I love to preen. You'd think she'd appreciate it. I'd remove all those little spots for her but she just won't let me. There's no accounting for taste. But she's nice so I invited her to my party anyway.
Eileen, Sierra, Jim, Elise, and Paul. Were some of my special guests at my Thanksgiving Dinner. They brought lot's of wonderful food. I especially liked the crumbs from Jim's home made bread.
Sierra was especially attentive. I made sure she was aware of the feline dangers that were about. She appreciated my warnings and I liked her so much that I left her a little present.
This is a special honor which I only bestow upon my most favored guests. I just can't understand why she didn't recognize the privilege I bestowed upon her.
Jeanie and I go way back. She always pays lots of attention to me. I liked her so much that I bestowed a present upon her too but unlike others she appreciated it. She is truly a worthy guest.
Cathy brought lot's of great smelling stuff. That's because she's an Avon Lady. I think I would like to get my feathers on one of her catalogs. I bet she would have some wonderful stuff for preening. I just love preening!
Jim was worried about his wife Mary Anne. She couldn't be with us because she was in the hospital. We all are keeping her in our thoughts and prayers.
and Jon came early and left late. Every time I turned around he had
this box stuck in my face which flashed a bright light. You'd think
he'd have more respect. Diane was nice but I think I saw her petting
that feline felon Fuzzy. You'd better watch out for her.
You Just can't get good help any more. You have to watch everything they do. Here I am supervising the clean up crew. If you want to get something done right you have to do it your self.
In all I think it was a wonderful party